Images With Memories
How photos, and other imagery, bring the past back to life. While trying to remedy boredom, hopeful that my sparse bookshelves might yield some form of entertainment. I ended up leafing through my grandfather's little marvel of a wedding album.
Making a Dream Come True
Hasselblad 500 V-mount series cameras. I have dreamt of owning one. Well, this year I finally decided to make this dream come true. I turned half a century old this summer and thought I deserved to treat myself for my birthday.
Inspiration — Is it a Necessity?
A photographer’s perspective on inspiration and if it’s really needed to create great art.
I was recently asked to write an introductory blurb about myself on what inspires me to keep picking up my camera and take photos. While staring at a blank Word screen, vainly trying to figure out what to write, my mind, in one of its inexplicable yet typical fashions, blurted out “Do you even need inspiration to create great photographic art?”
400mm OR BUST!
How about trying something different next time you head out to shoot some street photography. Today I did that myself and went to shoot with a 100 - 400mm lens instead of my usual 35mm. It was a great experience and something you should try as well.